Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Long time no post entry..

wah.. been quite sometime since i last blogged.. think it's collecting a lot of cobwebs now.. spent hours looking for a nice blogskin to put into this blog.. looking at the screen for hours straight kills.. really.. now having headache.. can die.. head feels heavy too. bleah..

anyway, this shall be a short one.. proly shall blog a longer one tomorrow. in any case.. thank God for the past few months when He was really standing by me, even now.. occasionally He would just tell me that He would always be with me.. either by His presence or how things in life would go on so smoothly. still yearning to really hear from Him, having encounters with Him and most importantly, have the visions necessary.

have to constantly remind myself that i'm a disciple of Christ, that i should let the visions i have come to past with the resources He has given me and to complete them in the right time and season, and another to be disciplined too. that's one BIG problem.. haha..

that's all la.. tc peeps. till tomorrow..


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