Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Passion of the Christ

school has started but kind of slacked... because of alternate week lessons.. in any case, i watch the movie "Passion of the Chirst" directed by Mel Gibson today in the library.

in any case, as i watched the movie, i felt like the words spoken by Jesus reflecting and talking to me. words like "For the bread we eat represents the Body of Jesus" etc... it reallly reflects to me how sacrificial Jesus was, even when at the initial stage he went through 3 times of confirmation with God whether His body would be crucified to save and deliever the world from their sins. it really tells me how much God love us to save us from our sins.

Haha, actually today when i was looking for videos to watch in the school library, i didn't expect myself to find this movie and it was found at the rack where it shouldn't be categorized under. Lol... i guess this series of movies done by the Holy Spirit helps me alot..

For anyone who may be reading, because i almost got myself backslidded after my water baptism due to my personal commitments to non-God matters and busy schedule and also on my laziness.. i want to rededicate myself to God, by making myself do daily quiet time, in a progressive pace of course, like first do prayers, then worship and speaking in tongues.. next step would be trying to hear God speak, even if it may be faint.
really gonna take steps of faith to accomplish all that. then when i can get those components done, i'll aim to have longer fellowship periods with God..

all these days occured to me, on the most recent Sunday, when i was writing personal report to S.Liqun, i mentioed about my commitments and 1st thing is definitely God, so i had to do something about it.

Next is also Cindy, who is my ex-girlfriend. Well, my 2 month effort to bring her to Christ finally paid off. haha.. she had received salvation on Sunday and i'm so happy for her. haha.. well, things don't end there.. as stated in the Bible, that since Jesus underwent persecution, there's no doubt that we, His servants will undergo persecution too. so for Cindy's case, hers is like the moment she reached home it started. And got quite extreme too. the sad thing was i wasn;'t there when she wanted to talk to me.. and even got the cell group to contact me.. sad man... well, have been dutifully been praying for her.. pray that she's alright...

Well, that's all for my entry.. God bless people..

Psalms 143: 2-4

2Do not enter into judgment with Your servant,
For in Your sight no one living is righteous.
3For the enemy has persecuted my soul;
He has crushed my life to the ground;
He has made me dwell in darkness,
Like those who have long been dead.
4Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed within me;
My heart within me is distressed


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