Tuesday, July 26, 2005

a family.... a family which i grew up in since i was born.... now wrecked in pieces...

well, it all started with just a camera and everything just fell, within matters of days... went into argument with my dad when he didn't want to return the thing he stole from me.. something previous to a fren, a dear fren...

anyway, i'm out of the house now.. staying with my grandma.. he just came to school, wanting to talk to me. i told him my stand was clear, return it to me and nothing else from him. that was all i ask... that was all i ask...

talked to S.liqun about what happened, thank the cell group for praying for me... thanks guys.. you guys are the best!! i forsee something within me is gonna change, spiritually. and i pray that after this ordeal i'll become stronger in faith and more mature in spirit. all this time i know i would never fall short of anything because God is gonna provide me with everything i need, no matter what the outcome will be after this ordeal, i have entrusted everything i have unto Him, and know whatever happens is His plan..

anyway, something to be proud of, is Yuan Shan finally back with us to fight the spiritual warfare!!
so glad for this brother of mine, just one month back he seemed so low in faith that he actually questions the Word of God, but now he seem to be full of faith for God and desiring for breakthroughs. Bro, if you are reading this, rest assured God will honour you the same way you did for Him.
anyway mich, if you are reading this, i'm sure your fren is going to slide back to God one day, just keep on encouraging him and never give up!!

guys, i need more prayers.. do pray for me k? and do remember to tag on my tagboard too! click on one of the stars can le...

thank God for you guys who are constantly with me like Xue'er and Desmond, and of course my dear E343 members too!!
(dun mind me if i keep using verses from 2 Corinthians.. love this book too much!)

2 Corinthians 9:8-11
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written:
"He has dispersed abroad,
He has given to the poor;
His righteousness endures forever."
Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.

long before i was born, i was already in God's mind..

long before i was born, He already have a vision for me..

long before i was born, i was given something great to fulfill when i grow up...


long before i was born, i was made to fulfill a destiny...

sometimes teachings during cell group meetings or sermons or preachings by guest speakers dun necessary apply in our life until we are faced in a situation where we are made to apply them.

it's like imagine yourself as a student who goes to school everyday to learn, about the various subjects like geography or history or mathematics. somehow the student will just absorb the message without thinking or even thought that the knowledge he learnt would be applied unless he's a mathematician where he uses maths to do calculation, a historian who studies about history or even a physict who applies law of physics to explain the facts of motion etc.

so it's just not enough to learn, we have to learn how to apply what was taught to us, and use them wisely. in any case, i thank God for putting me through situations where i learn to apply what was taught of me, and putting them to good use. no matter how hard things may be, God let me know that He's always with me, walking with me through the valley...
no matter how bleak life seems to be, i have learnt to entrust everything i have to Him, pouring out what sorrows i have to Him during my quiet time, and when His presence sets in, everything that had being poured out simply disappeared. As if God has taken them from you and telling you not to worry for He will provide for you, protect you and love you.
the miraculous thing about it was that i would be able to worship Him more and with a clear mind, as if it's transparent.

well, i'm just a step away to making my quiet time an enjoyable one, which is hearing Him speak. maybe i'm not ready to follow what He's going to tell me to do, maybe i'm just too impatient to wait on Him. but i shall, i shall learn from it to wait on Him, to finally hear Him speak to me.

want to serve Him in so many ways, and so many things i wanna do for Him.

God, if you are reading this, this is my promise to you.

To serve you with all I have,
To love you with all I am,
To be faithful to you always,
To sacrifice my life on the alter for You,
To live in Christ and not in self,
To glorify You and honour You always,
To put You first above all things,
To seek You always,
To be with You forever and ever in Heaven,
To abide in Your Word which is the Truth,
To be discipled and learn from mistakes.

Hear me God, please, this is my promise of a lifetime for you.. dedicating my life to you and never to backslide...

I love you with all my heart, God, Amen.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10
And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Passion of the Christ

school has started but kind of slacked... because of alternate week lessons.. in any case, i watch the movie "Passion of the Chirst" directed by Mel Gibson today in the library.

in any case, as i watched the movie, i felt like the words spoken by Jesus reflecting and talking to me. words like "For the bread we eat represents the Body of Jesus" etc... it reallly reflects to me how sacrificial Jesus was, even when at the initial stage he went through 3 times of confirmation with God whether His body would be crucified to save and deliever the world from their sins. it really tells me how much God love us to save us from our sins.

Haha, actually today when i was looking for videos to watch in the school library, i didn't expect myself to find this movie and it was found at the rack where it shouldn't be categorized under. Lol... i guess this series of movies done by the Holy Spirit helps me alot..

For anyone who may be reading, because i almost got myself backslidded after my water baptism due to my personal commitments to non-God matters and busy schedule and also on my laziness.. i want to rededicate myself to God, by making myself do daily quiet time, in a progressive pace of course, like first do prayers, then worship and speaking in tongues.. next step would be trying to hear God speak, even if it may be faint.
really gonna take steps of faith to accomplish all that. then when i can get those components done, i'll aim to have longer fellowship periods with God..

all these days occured to me, on the most recent Sunday, when i was writing personal report to S.Liqun, i mentioed about my commitments and 1st thing is definitely God, so i had to do something about it.

Next is also Cindy, who is my ex-girlfriend. Well, my 2 month effort to bring her to Christ finally paid off. haha.. she had received salvation on Sunday and i'm so happy for her. haha.. well, things don't end there.. as stated in the Bible, that since Jesus underwent persecution, there's no doubt that we, His servants will undergo persecution too. so for Cindy's case, hers is like the moment she reached home it started. And got quite extreme too. the sad thing was i wasn;'t there when she wanted to talk to me.. and even got the cell group to contact me.. sad man... well, have been dutifully been praying for her.. pray that she's alright...

Well, that's all for my entry.. God bless people..

Psalms 143: 2-4

2Do not enter into judgment with Your servant,
For in Your sight no one living is righteous.
3For the enemy has persecuted my soul;
He has crushed my life to the ground;
He has made me dwell in darkness,
Like those who have long been dead.
4Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed within me;
My heart within me is distressed

Monday, July 18, 2005

Brand new blog with a brand new start

well.. as the title suggest, this will be my brand new blog where everyting down here represents a new start in my life...